Layers may be great in a puff pasty over at Saveurs Du Monde Café, but you don’t want them on your feet. Believe it or not, your feet can have up to 80 layers of accumulated dead skin on them. Whoa.
You can try as hard as you want to get rid of all that dead skin with a heel file, a pumice stone, even a razor. Good luck.
Or you can take those feet and stroll over to Johnnie Dodds Boulevard and see us at AesthetiSpa. We’ll baby your feet with our Baby Foot treatment. Before you know it your feet will be as soft as a baby’s!
What’s with the skin on my feet?
You’d be amazed at how easily skin builds up on our feet. Dead skin builds up due to pressure and friction from ordinary activities such as standing, exercising, and wearing shoes. With additional pressure, more skin simply continues to build up. This can create pressure points on your feet, and in some cases the soles of your feet can become cracked and painful.
Everyone tries to grind, file, or shave off some of this dead skin, particular on our heels. But it’s an endless, thankless job. And it’s pretty much impossible to cover the entire foot. Also, the friction itself actually creates more dead skin! Oops.
How does Baby Foot exfoliate my feet?
Baby Foot is a patented treatment that we offer at AesthetiSpa. Baby Foot uses a scientifically formulated mix of 17 natural extracts that both exfoliate and moisturize at the same time. The principal ingredient is fruit acid (glycolic acid) that is used in superficial facial peels. This fruit acid penetrates into the layers of dead skin cells, breaking down the desmosomes that hold the layers together. This causes the dead skin to peel away, revealing the healthy, fresh skin that has been buried under these layers of dead skin cells.
How is Baby Foot Peel done?
Babying your feet with Baby Foot is pretty simple. It involves putting two plastic booties onto your feet. The booties are filled with the patented Baby Foot exfoliating formula. You then wear the booties for one hour, washing your feet afterward.
Now comes the exfoliation. For most people peeling begins within 3-7 days, but it can take as long as two weeks. Peeling is usually complete by 10 days. If your dead skin is still being stubborn, you can soak your feet, but don’t use a foot file on them. Once the peeling is complete, your feet will be rid of those many layers of dead skin and will feel soft and supple.
Ready to ditch those layers of skin on the bottom of your feet? Call us at AesthetiSpa, (843) 849-9925, and ask about Baby Foot.