Injectables in Mount Pleasant, SC

What Are Injectables?

Injectables Mount Pleasant SC

As we age, the major structural aspects of the face change. The foundations of bone, muscle, fat, and skin all lose volume over time, which contributes to the visible signs of aging. Over time, the loss of bone volume can lead to jawline retraction and dark circles under the eyes. The cheekbones seem to descend, as well, due to the loss of bone and fatty tissue.

These underlying changes coincide with the decline of collagen and elastin in the skin, which leads to looseness and sagging. Injectable treatments can help these concerns and other familiar signs of aging.

Injectable treatments have become a popular approach for facial rejuvenation and enhancement. Wrinkle-reducing products are classified as neuromodulators and dermal fillers. Wrinkle-reducers smooth dynamic wrinkles such as frown lines and crow’s feet. Dermal fillers are also used to soften the appearance of lines. However, these products can also:

  • Add volume and definition to thin lips
  • Enhance shallow facial contours
  • Decrease or remove dark circles and bags under the eyes
  • Reshape the nose
  • Improve the appearance of recessed scars

Other injectables smooth lines while also stimulating collagen remodeling for longer-lasting effects. We offer a wide range of injectable treatments in our Mount Pleasant facility, including:

  • Neuromodulators including Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin
  • Dermal Fillers including Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, and Sculptra.
  • Kybella, an injectable developed for the correction of submental fullness
  • Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix, an injectable created with cells from the patient’s blood for placement in the subdermal tissue.

What Are The Benefits Of Injectables?

Adults of all ages appreciate the many benefits of injectable treatments. Primarily, injectable products are appealing because they are nonsurgical and minimally invasive. Treatments are conducted in the office, usually with the need of only a topical anesthetic. In most cases, only one treatment session is needed to achieve noticeable results. Because treatment consists solely of a series of injections, there is also little downtime associated with this cosmetic service. In the case of dermal fillers, an additional benefit is that patients see the results of their injections immediately. Neuromodulators work more gradually to smooth wrinkles. Results of Botox and other wrinkle-reducers appear over 5 to 7 days.

Injectables Avian Park SC

Am I A Candidate For Injectables?

Adults who are in good physical health and have realistic expectations of what injectables can achieve are typically excellent candidates for treatment. The purpose of treatment is to rejuvenate or enhance parts of the face to improve symmetry, smoothness, and the natural appearance of youthfulness. In some cases, such as a lack of optimal skin elasticity or a desire to improve skin texture, a patient may be a better candidate for surgery or other cosmetic modalities.

How Are Injectables Performed?

Injectable treatment may be performed in less than half an hour. The appointment begins with a brief consultation in which we become familiar with the patient and their desired outcome. The provider then examines the skin and tissue to discern the quality of elasticity and volume. Treatment details are discussed, including the location of injections and the amount of product deemed necessary to achieve optimal results. Most patients do not require the application of a local anesthetic prior to injections.

Injectables Results Mount Pleasant SC

The administration of injections typically takes 15 – 20 minutes or less. When treatment is complete, patients may return to their normal activities within a short amount of time.

Are Injectables Safe?

The injectable treatments that are commonly performed today have all been approved by the FDA following years of ongoing testing. Many of the products that are used in the U.S. had been used for many years in other countries before gaining FDA approval here. We can identify the safety of these products based on their long-term use with few reportable cases.

In general, the risks associated with injectable treatments are limited to transient bruising, swelling, and redness. Some patients experience temporary tenderness at injection sites.

The safety of dermal fillers is expected due to the biocompatibility of ingredients and the skin. Many fillers use hyaluronic acid to plump superficial tissue. Hyaluronic acid is already present in the body so it is well-received without adverse or allergic reaction.

Neuromodulators introduce minute amounts of purified botulinum toxin into muscles in the face or neck. These products, as well, pose very little risk. Although the reaction achieved does relate to the effect of a mild toxin, these products are purified and made with the minimum amount of active ingredient. Side effects of neuromodulators are usually no different than those associated with dermal fillers. However, some patients do experience a minor headache from their treatment.

The products used by board-certified injectable providers are purchased directly from pharmaceutical companies. The FDA warns consumers against purchasing injectables online or from an untrained, uncertified provider.

Are Injectables Painful?

Injectable treatments are well-tolerated by patients for two reasons. One, injections are administered using a tiny needle or cannula. Two, some products include a mild anesthetic in their formulation to further improve comfort during the short procedural process. In cases where multiple injections are administered, a topical anesthetic is applied to numb the skin before treatment begins.

Injectables Results Avian Park SC

How Long Do Injectables Take?

The average injectable treatment takes 15 to 20 minutes. When a consultation is arranged to discuss new concerns, patients may be in the office for approximately 45 minutes. Additional time may be incurred for procedures such as Kybella, or platelet-rich plasma injections.

When Will I Be Able to See the Results?

You can expect to see results quickly after your injectable treatment. The speed at which results appear can depend on the product you choose. A general guideline is:

  • Dermal fillers achieve immediate results
  • Neuromodulators like Botox achieve results in five to seven days
  • Sculptra results occur more gradually over several weeks
  • Kybella results develop over weeks, as fat cells disappear

How Long Do Injectable Results Last?

The results of your injectable treatment will also last in accordance with the product you've chosen.

  • Neuromodulator results last three to four months
  • Dermal filler results can last from nine months to two years in most cases
  • Sculptra results last about two years
  • Kybella results can last indefinitely
  • Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix may last one year or longer

How Many Injectable Treatments Will I Need?

The most popular injectable treatments achieve great results in just one session. Treatments are repeated periodically as the results naturally fade. Some products, including Sculptra and Kybella, require two to three appointments to fully eradicate the existing concerns. During your consultation, you can expect your provider to answer your questions and discuss the details of their recommended treatments, including how many sessions you may want to schedule.

Can I Combine Different Brands of Injectables?

We often combine different injectable products to achieve the best possible cosmetic outcomes. Your provider will spend time with you to understand your concerns and goals. Based on your input, they will design a treatment plan tailored to you! If a combination of products is recommended, your provider will inform you about each, what it is used for, what to expect, and how long the results are expected to last.

Can Injectables Have a Preventative, Anti-Aging Effect?

Yes! It is not uncommon for younger adults to receive injections of a neuromodulator product to treat areas where dynamic lines are visible when they smile, laugh, frown, or make other facial expressions. Treating these lines before they become etched in the skin can prolong a more youthful appearance. It is also possible to revitalize your face using dermal fillers where there are no wrinkles. In this case, we may apply a dermal filler to the cheeks to accentuate youthful curves, or to the lips to give them more youthful volume and shape.

Will I Still Look Natural After Getting Injectables?

You can expect to look like yourself after getting injectable treatment. We've all seen those pictures of injectables gone wrong, and we don't want that to happen to you! Here, we are conservative in our approach to anti-aging and facial contouring using fillers and other injectables. Your provider will use extraordinary care in applying products and, in the case of dermal fillers, observing the results as they build in real-time. You can also evaluate your filler results as they occur while you're still in the office. If you are concerned about over-treatment, please do not hesitate to bring this up during your consultation. You are an integral part of your beauty journey, so we need to hear from you!

What Is The Recovery Time From Injectables?

Patients may resume most activities immediately following their injectable treatment. Providers may advise against strenuous activities, exercise, and hot activities such as using a hot tub or sauna for 24 to 48 hours. This is because an increase in body heat, heart rate, and blood pressure makes it more likely that swelling, and bruising may occur.

Schedule A Consultation

If you’re interested in learning more about injectables please contact us for a consultation at 843-849-9925 or fill out our contact us form here. We will discuss your needs and concerns, and determine your best course of action.

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