Dermaplaning in Mount Pleasant, SC

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a gentle, non-invasive form of manual exfoliation of the skin in which an esthetician uses a surgical blade to gently exfoliate the outermost layers of the epidermis to remove dead skin cells and fine facial hair commonly known as “peach fuzz”. This encourages the skin to regenerate new skin cells, leaving the complexion smooth, soft and vibrant. A noticeable improvement is immediate with smoother texture and fresh skin appearance. Even products penetrate the skin better following this treatment.

The procedure is relatively simple and takes very little time. When performed by a licensed skincare professional, dermaplaning is an effective way to improve the appearance of your skin.

What Is The Difference Between Dermaplaning and Microdermabrasion?

While both procedures exfoliate the skin, dermaplaning uses a scalpel, and microdermabrasion uses a wand with tiny embedded diamond chips and suction to remove the dead skin. Dermaplaning offers lighter exfoliation whereas microdermabrasion is better for patients who want deeper exfoliation.

What Are The Benefits Of Dermaplaning?

Regular treatments of dermaplaning have been known to:

  • Diminish fine lines
  • Smooth acne scarring
  • Improve skin texture and tone
  • Temporarily remove fine facial hair
  • Generate new healthy cell growth
  • Enhance penetration of skin care products
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As one of the most effective facial exfoliation treatments, dermaplaning stimulates radiant, healthy skin and leaves the skin smooth and soft.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is safe and effective for all skin types and colors and provides an alternative to chemical peels or microdermabrasion. It is a good choice for anyone who has fine facial hair, extremely sensitive skin, redness or rosacea, or visible facial veins. Dermaplaning cannot be performed in individuals who are using Accutane or blood thinners or who have active shingles, hemophilia, or weak delicate skin.


Is Dermaplaning Safe?

Dermaplaning is an extremely safe, non-traumatic method of skin rejuvenation. There is no more risk than when a man shaves his face. Although unlikely, there is a chance of a small scrape or nick in the skin.

How Is Dermaplaning Performed?

After properly cleansing your skin, the aesthetician will use a sharp, sterile scalpel to gently scrape your skin. This procedure exfoliates your skin and also temporarily removes the fine vellus hair on your face.

Is There a Recovery Period After Dermaplaning?

No, you can resume all of your normal activities after having dermaplaning performed. However, you should avoid sun exposure to protect your skin. If you need to be outside, be sure to apply sunscreen of at least 30 SPF.

Will The Facial Hair Grow Back Thicker After A Dermaplaning Treatment?

No. There are two types of hair. Fine facial hair, or “peach fuzz”, is called vellous hair and is the light colored translucent hair that grows on a woman’s face, chest, or back. The other type of hair is called terminal hair, which is the coarser hair you see on the head, under the arms, brows, and the lower face of men. Hairs are always one or the other and they are not damaged or altered by the process of cutting or removal. So after dermaplaning, vellous hair grows back with its same characteristics.

Can You Combine Dermaplaning Treatments With Chemical Peels?

A chemical peel done immediately after dermaplaning is an excellent way to make sure that the peel penetrates deeper and more evenly. They go great together and we recommend the combination for optimal results.

What Our Patients Have to Say

"I have seen Dr. Cone off and on for many years and watched her practice grow by leaps and bounds. Her staff is dedicated, professional, concerned and all lovely people. I adore them all, although I have to give a special shout out to Monika, Prudence and Kelly! Can’t say enough good things about their client rapport, ethics, and the RESULTS!!"

5 Star Review from Jeremy H.

Should You Get Dermaplaning Treatments If You Suffer From Acne?

Dermaplaning can be very helpful for acne. While not recommended if you have active, pustular acne, dermaplaning can be performed on acne prone skin and anyone with acne scarring. The exfoliation from dermaplaning helps acne treatments and topical products penetrate and work better. Dermaplaning also improves and evens out skin tone.

How Often Can Dermaplaning Be Performed?

Dermaplaning can be performed every 3-4 weeks.

Schedule Your Dermaplaning Consultation Today!

Interested in learning more about our dermaplaning procedure? Schedule a personalized appointment with AesthetiSpa's expert aestheticians, Trivette Curtis and Amy O'Shea, by calling 843-849-9925 or by filling out the Consultation Request Form below! Our practice serves Mount Pleasant, Charleston, and more in South Carolina.

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