Procedures for men
Just about any procedure for women can be requested for a man:
• Laser hair removal. Just like women, men like the convenience of laser hair removal, which is much quicker than other hair removal techniques. It is also much less painful, and it results in nice, smooth skin for a longer period of time than you get with, say, shaving.
• Kybella®. This is a quick, nonsurgical way to get rid of that extra fat underneath the chin. This injectable permanently destroys the fat cells and makes your chin (and indeed the entire face) look contoured, toned, and younger.
• Laser resurfacing. Men don’t like wrinkles any more than women do! DEKA DOT® Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing stimulates new collagen production, creating “new” skin and reducing age spots, wrinkles, and acne scars.
• BOTOX® Cosmetic. This very popular filler can help to relax wrinkles and lines. There is no downtime involved afterwards, and it can be done very quickly – many people have it done on their lunch hour and then get right back to work. These are just a couple of the many advantages of these treatments over a surgical procedure such as a facelift. They are also less expensive and much less hassle.
• Injectables, such as Restylane and JUVÉDERM®, can add volume to skin and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
• Laser vein treatment. Men get unsightly spider veins, too. Laser vein treatment can get rid of these veins on the legs, face, chest, and stomach.
• truSculpt® iD is a nonsurgical way to get rid of those little bits of fat that just won’t go away no matter what you do. truSculpt iD uses radiofrequency to permanently get rid of unwanted fat.
Whether you are a man or a woman, the staff at AesthetiSpa wants you to look and feel your best. Call (843) 849-9925 today to schedule an appointment!