Doubles Are Good for the Braves, Not Your Chin

When you make a trek over to Atlanta to catch a Braves game, you want to see the home team rip a few doubles into the gaps. When you get home, you don’t like the double residing under your chin.

Double chins. Ugh.

But what was once basically untouchable, except with surgery, can now be given the beatdown it deserves with Kybella®, a new injectable offered at AesthetiSpa for the reduction of double chins.

Submental fullness

Most of us think we’re a little slimmer than we truly are. And this goes for what’s under our collective chins, as well. We think that people like New Jersey Governor Chris Christie have double chins, but not us. The reality? Most of us have some business going on under the chin.

Want to feel better? Call it submental fullness. That’s the clinical term for “double chin.”

Double chins have kind of been the overlooked aesthetic problem of the face. While fillers, Botox, and laser procedures tightened and filled wrinkles and volume loss areas on the face, the double chin was left to simply hang there. To get rid of a double chin, you either had to have a neck lift, mid-facelift, or targeted liposuction.

That has changed with Kybella®, a prescription medicine available at AesthetiSpa. Kybella® is the prescription brand name for an injection formulated with deoxycholic acid that dramatically improves the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin, the proverbial double chin.

Most people have a double chin

While most of us don’t like to admit it, most of us have some business going on under our chin. The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery conducted a survey in 2015 and found that 67% of people said they’re bothered by a double chin. Whoa. Those people in the survey were equally bugged by their double chin as they were about wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Kybella® to the rescue

In April 2015 the FDA approved Kybella®, the only injectable treatment to improve the appearance and profile of a double chin.

The basis of Kybella® is deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body whose job is to aid in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella® (and its deoxycholic acid) destroys the fat cells. After those cells are gone, there is no longer a storage mechanism to accumulate fat in the area. Once gone, your double chin should be gone for good, unless you put on a bunch of weight.

Two to six treatments

At AesthetiSpa we customize your Kybella® treatments. Some patients see the results they want after two to four treatments; others require six. The number of treatments will depend on the amount of fat stored under your chin, along with your desired final profile. Each treatment is spaced eight weeks apart. There will be some swelling under the chin as the deoxycholic acid gets to work on the fat cells, but that usually passes in a week or so.

Leave the doubles for SunTrust Park, not your chin. Call us at AesthetiSpa, 843-849-9925, and ask about Kybella.

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